Enter the ninja
Javascript consists of a close relationship between objects, functions
and closures.
Arming with testing and debugging
function log() {
try {
console.log.apply(console, arguments);
opera.postError.apply(opera, arguments);
alert(Array.prototype.join.call(arguments, " "));
Functions are fundamental
- The scope of declaration within a function differs from that of most other languages. Specifically:
- Variables within a function are in scope from their point of declaration to the end of the function, spanning block boundaries.
Inner named functions are available anywhere within the enclosing function, even as forward references.
The parameters list of a function and its actual argument list can be of different lengths:
- Unassigned parameters evaluate as undefined.
Extra arguments are simply not bound to parameter names.
Each function invocation is passed two implicit parameter names
- arguments, a collection of the actual passed arguments
this, a reference to the object of the object serving as the function context
Functions can be invoked in various ways, and the invocation mechanism determines the function context value:
- when invoked as a simple function, the context is the global object(window).
- When invoked as a method, the contect is the object owning the method.
- When invoked as a constructor, the context is a newly allocated object.
- When invoked via the apply() or call() methods of the function, the context can be whatever the heck we want.
Wielding functions
- Anonymous functions let us create smaller units of execution rather than large functions full of imperative statements.
- Functions can have properties and those properties can be used to store any information we might wish to use.
Closing in on closures
- Binding function context
- Partially applying functions
- Overriding function behavior
- Immediate function
- Temporary scope and private variables
- Loops
- Library wrapping
Object-orientation with prototypes
Wrangling regular expressions
var re1 = /test/i;
var re2 = new RegExp("text", "i");
Taming threads and timers
Ninja alchemy:runtime code evaluation
- use
to create runtime code evalution - Json conversion
- moving definitions between namespaces
- minimization and obfuscation of Javascript code
- dynamic code rewriting and injection
- creating metalanguages
With statements
- The use of
should be avoid.
Developing cross-browser strategies
- Reusable cross-browser development involves juggling three factors:
- Code size -- Keeping the file size small
- Performance overhead -- Keeping the performance level above a palatable minimum
- API quality -- Making sure that the APIs provided work uniformly across browsers
Cutting through attributes, porperties, and CSS
- Versions of IE prior to IE 9 don't allow the type attribute of <input> elements to be changed once the element is part of the DOM
- The style attribute poses some unique challenges and doesn't contain the computed style for the element
- Computed style can be fetched from the window using standardized API in modern browsers, and via a proprietary property on IE 8 and earlier
Surviving events
- addEventListener()
- removeEventListener()
Manipulating the DOM
- Injecting HTML into a page
- Cloning elements
- Removing elements
- Manipulating element text